Sunday, October 31, 2010

The rest of Halloween bummer. Bennett started off the week not feeling so hot, in which case I thought was a new tooth, then I thought it was a cold. But things just weren't getting any better. By Thursday before Halloween, his temp was over 103 and he was sicker than a dog. Sleeping on my chest, barely breathing through his congested little nose, and miserable. I took him to the doctor to see if maybe he had an ear infection, but nope- nada. The doc said he was 'fine with a bad cold.' Cool...I'll take it. As long as there's nothing I can really do, I'm good with that. So, there was lots of snuggle-wuggle time with my main man.
Sweet boy.

Sweet Cali.  She tried her best to brighten his day, it just didn't do the trick.

By Halloween morning, I had whatever he had had.  Well- there went trick or treating.  I had (just like every other mom) pictured in my mind walking around with my princess and frog, (maybe in the wagon- maybe not,) seeing the excitement that only a four year old has, running into all the neighbors, seeing all the kids' costumes...I was literally in tears as she left.  So. Sad.  Bennett didn't go either- he missed his first Halloween experience!

Makenna had a great time though, or so I heard. She was ecstatic about coming back home to show me the candy! A warm-up with a hot chocolate and the world is good.

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