Monday, November 29, 2010

Bennett 13.5 months

I know he's not quite 14 months, but he's been doing so many new things lately.  I can't help myself- No need to tell you guys that, huh!?  

He is OBsessed with toothbrushes.  Doesn't matter whose it is, he wants it.  He knows where they are and fusses until he has one in his hands/mouth.  I realize it's not the safest item to be playing with but whatev.  You pick your battles, right?!

He's a monkey...monkeys eat bananas...and thus- he's a monkey.  If he sees one, he'll point and "uh, uh, uh" until he gets it in his mouth. 1, 2, 3 a day-- doesn't matter.  He doesn't care.

He knows that the high chair + his bib = eating...which he loves.  He's even starting rolling the high chair over to the table when he wants to eat.  Smart. kid. that. one.  My Dad took the kids to Panera about a week ago and he kept trying to tell Dad that he needed (or wanted) the high chair.  Dad didn't understand what he was talking about, so he set him down and let him walk to whatever it was that he was trying to explain.  Sure enough...the stack of high chairs.  Like I said- smart kid.

He's SOO gentle with Cali...and I'm not being at all facetious.  Pinky swear.  Makenna was never, EVER gentle- hit, pulled, mauled, etc our sweet kitty.  Sometimes Lil Mak was hissed at and clawed across the face, sometimes she wasn't.  But Bennett never does more than pet.  It's pretty remarkable. Maybe he'll be like Cesar Millan someday...The Cat Whisperer.  "I don't train the cats, I train their owners!"
(I think this picture is funny.  They both think they're hiding,
yet neither of them are!)

Bennett also really loves his little fire engine.  He can get on it by himself, he can go forward and backward, and then gracefully dismount too!  Boys are so must just be a natural guy thing!? 

His newest thing-- pink Tinkerbell sunglasses and an old Mardi Gras beaded necklace (which just happen to be Cyclone colors- Go State!)  It is hilarious!!!!!  He'll pull them out of the drawer, bring them over to you, and ask for help .  The sunglasses then fall off, and he'll bring them back to you yet again.  The look on his face is priceless.  It'll make your day.  He squints his eyes and shows those pearly whites! I think his little teeth are really funny they show through when he smiles now.  :)

1 comment:

kristine said...

he's so kill me!