Saturday, December 25, 2010

Christmas Day

I know I'll probably be saying this every year from here on out, and I know I'm not the first to recognize it either...BUT-- Christmas gets more fun every year! 

Makenna knew Santa would be coming, she knew he'd be flying with his sleigh full of toys and coming down the chimney, she knew he'd be eating the cookies and drinking the milk, she even knew how to turn the kitchen chair just right so it would face the tv (in case he wanted to watch Santa Buddies, in which he did!).  I mean, how cute is that?!  It's just so magical.  Everything.  The whole sha-bang.

She was to say the least, exhausted from the night before and still asleep at 8:30.  Bennett had already been awake for two hours and was just about ready for a morning snooze.  I decided to wake her up and get the day started.  The first thing out of her mouth, "Mommy- I don't wanna go potty first...I just wanna go downstairs."  Priorities here, people.  Get 'em in line!

She responded with the same reaction as when she had opened gifts at Grandma June's...NO WAY!!!  She loved every bit of it and so did we!

She had asked for everything girlie.  Anything from Strawberry Shortcake, to Tinkerbell, to Olivia, to Rapunzel, to a stuffed animal crab, to a unicorn. Bennett had asked for a cozy sleeping bag like Makenna's and a few other cars and instruments.  Good thing Santa understands baby lingo.

These pictures are so funny.  She looks so uninterested, but was completely opposite of that.

The conversation in the picture below goes like this-
M- Bennett, do you want me to help you open your present?
B- eh, eh, eh.
M- Okay, Bennett- I'll help you!
As she's opening up the jammies she says with tons of excitement in her voice:
B- eh, eh, eh.
M- You don't like 'em?!...
She turns to me and says, "He doesn't like 'em."  :)
Freaking hilarious.
And here are some of my most favorite people in the whole wide world together.
 My grandma and grandpa with our children.  How much sweeter can life get?!
And here's Lil Mak inside her castle tent for the first night.  She has her princess blanket, a unicorn pillow pet, her pink sleeping bag, some new pink and purple pajamas, and a few princesses too!  Is this not the epitome of an almost four year old little girl!?  It's just perfect...I wouldn't have it any.other.way.
But as you can see, Cali has a bit to say about it too.  I have a feeling she's saying with a meow full of gumption, "I'm the queen of this castle, girl!..But yes- I will share it with you only if you pet me nicely and quit harassing me!"

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