Saturday, December 4, 2010

Christmas on the River

Parkville (my home town) celebrates Christmas on the River every year...for the last 18 years!  It's a nice way to get the holiday season started.  There are food vendors, activities for the kiddos, local high school bands and dance teams, hay rides, crafts... you get the idea. :)  There also just so happens to be a Santa!  The line was completely redic, but my mom stood patiently so we could have a grand visit.  Neither of our kids were nervous, there was no crying, not even a look of fear!  Yahoo- complete success...and even a half-way cute family pic. 

Here's Makenna asking for a Rapunzel doll with looooooooong blonde hair and also a Strawberry Shortcake movie.  He thought he could probably make that happen. 
Ho Ho Ho
And my parental units took a quick snapshot too!

Tis the season, friends.  Happy December!

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