Saturday, December 11, 2010

He's 14 months!

Things he's doing currently~
-He can walk backwards...he looks so proud.
-His dexterity is pretty impressive.  He can turn the pages in a board book and actually uses his spoon for yogart and oatmeal.  Good eye/hand coordination, buddy!
-He loves blowing into the harmonica.  The sound that comes out makes him giggle....and me too!
-He's recently picked up on blowing his nose too.  It's quite funny.
-He's very particular.  He knows that his blanket is put up on the side of his crib and his water cup goes in a certain spot on his highchair.
-He is almost saying ball.  Does "baaaaaa" count?! :)
-He still sucks his thumb while he's in the car, or if he's tired.  I really wish that would go away, but whatev.
-He recognizes new words and knows what they mean. I can sort of relate...I took four years of Spanish and can understand when someone's speaking it...or at least pick out words that make sense.  But I sure as heck can't really speak it!
-He's hilarious when he sees something with steam, or that he knows is hot.  He'll say "hahahahaha" and then blow on it.
-He has 8 total teeth at this point.  Two more on the top, and then two more on the bottom.  All four of those new teeth came within two weeks- needless to say that wasn't fun. 
-He loves closing doors.  Pantry, dishwasher, dryer-- he's even started shutting the bathroom door and then whines when he wants out.  But as soon as you open the door, he just grins.  It's a good game.
-And he's still napping twice a day!!!  He very often will sleep a few hours in the morning, a few hours in the afternoon and then 12 hours at night.  He loves his sleep just like his momma!

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