Monday, January 10, 2011

10 on 10

Thank God I'm smart! enough to plug this date into my phone and have a monthly reminder go off at 6:45 in the morning on the tenth.  :)  I'd forget if I wasn't smart!

Last month I only posted 9 pictures if you recall.  This month I took a total of 29 photos  (and I deleted along the way!)...How is that even possible?!  Can you imagine what people used to do when they had to pay for film, pay to have it processed, and then most likely end up with overexposures, or black pictures of nothing!!  Ugh- no wonder it took people months to finish a roll of 24! 

So here it is...January 10, 2011.
Bennett and I woke up to lots of snow.  Makenna was supposed to have school...however-- did not.  Our first snow day of the season.
After breakfast, Bennett wanted to Swiffer the kitchen floor- I was all about it.
Then Lil Mak woke up and came downstairs to cuddle.  I think this picture is way over the top cute.  Do you see Bennett's legs crossed?...and his little hand on her knee?  And I love the look he's giving her, like he's saying, "Yes sister- I am soaking up every ounce of whatever you say."  Makenna is petting Cali so lovingly and Cali's being so kind to let her! :)  This image is a perfect shot of what our mornings typically involve.  Thank you to whoever actually came up with the idea of 10 on 10.  Bravo!
Then Bennett decided he would get into Makenna's chapstick box and put some on!!  He's a funny boy...and have I mentioned before- a total ham!
Daddy came home for lunch.  Yea for leftover lasagana!
I was even still in MY jammies!  Hip, hip, hooray for doing nada.
Mak and I watched a movie and had popcorn while Bubby was fast asleep. 
Bennett was fascinated by the boys who were shoveling our driveway!  And what perfect pajamas to have on, huh!?  :)  No- that wasn't planned. 
My Dad picked up Panera for all of us...some potato soup and a greek salad please!
And Aunt Ruthie was able to walk across the street in her snow boots to say hello and share in dinner too.  A great inside, stay-cozy kind of day.

I also realize here people, that you mostly see Bennett with his happy face on.  I wanted to show you that he does however get upset and actually has quite a little temper.  Watch him stomp his feet about in the video below.  He wanted to go in the basement to play and I kept telling him no- it was just too cold.  :(

1 comment:

kristine said...

i know! i love getting to capture a day in the life that normally wouldn't be recorded bc it's not a special event when really, IT IS!! (THEY ARE!)