Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Bennett 15 months

I couldn't just choose one picture- DUH.  Each one shows a bit of his personality in a different way.
Total stud.
 Mr. Mischievous
 Holla back y'all!
 Chunky Monkey- hello sweet baby rolls.
I can see his front right tooth looks a bit crooked.  Dang that thumb sucking!  Arrrr.  It makes total sense.  He only sucks his right thumb and holds it off to the side.  I'm no dentist, but I have some common sense.  Rats!

He's funny, charming, and dang cute if I do say so myself.  I don't think I've been lacking in the Bennett-post department lately, so I'll just cut to the chase. 

What he's up to:
-He still has 8 teeth, but the molar on the bottom left has just BARELY broken through...sweet boy- sleep has been pretty rough lately.  I hate that.
-He knows a few body parts and can show them to you.  He'll say AHHHH if you ask where his tongue is.  He'll breathe through his nose, of course for nose.  He points to his eyes, and says EYEEEEEEEEEEEE. He'll grab his ears. We're working on his hands and his head.  And I guess he's known his belly forever.
-He uses a spoon and very well I might add.  I am SO impressed with his gross motor skills- it's gotta be a boy thing!?  I just don't remember Mak being like that. If food is in a container with sides, he's all over it.  Oatmeal, yogart, he had chicken fried rice a few nights ago, he had a fruit smoothie today, even lasagna.  I love that he can do it himself.  What a big boy.
-Bennett also knows that he can't go down the stairs yet by himself.  I feel quite comfortable with him roaming around and not falling down.  We're trying to teach him how to do the belly crawl down, but he just wants us to pick him up and carry him.  I'm okay with that at this point.
-And can you believe he pretty much still takes two naps!!??
-He says na-na for no-no and now says Hiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii!  Let the social bug fly.
Enjoy the sweet video below.

1 comment:

kristine said...

you're right - you can't choose just one. he's too cute!! i hate that i've only seen him like...TWICE?! boo hoo! :(