Saturday, January 22, 2011

Olivia and Miss Mak

We had SOO much fun.  It was for sure, the best birthday party I'VE ever thrown.  In the past, we have really managed to go the easy route-- a few close friends and family members, cake, ice cream, presents, the end.  I had never even sent out real invitations...just evites.  Totally easy and totally cheap.  Nothing more, nothing less...and that's actually been fine with us.  Times are a-changin'!!!  She has actual friends now.  :)

Back in December when I started talking with Makenna about her party she had said she wanted to have a princess party.  In all honesty, I talked her out of it.  Call me a bad mom, but she'd already been to two other princess parties.  She is obsessed with princesses and loves dressing up, but I was lucky enough to get her mind changed.  While looking online for some ideas, I had come across some darling Olivia things.  We watch the show most afternoons (along with Little Bill) while Bennett naps, and she does love it.  Who wouldn' really is pretty entertaining.  WAAAAAAAY better than The Fresh Beat Band or Yo Gabba Gabba!!

So here's what I did/we did.  I ordered most of the Olivia items online.  One of the party favors were pig ears.  Too cute.
The other goody items were put in a plastic cup with a red heart straw.  I found tons of red things of course, because Valentine's Day is in a few short weeks!  Also inside the cups were Olivia stickers, some M & M's, some Hershey Kisses, and a red balloon.
I bought material and ribbon to decorate the chairs and kitchen light.  Did I go a bit overboard?!....Eh-- it was fun!! I don't really care.

We borrowed this Pottery Barn coloring table from our neighbor- it was perfect!!  I cut out a little runner to lie across the table. I separated out the crayons for each character's cup, coresponding with whatever color they are.  And some of you may think, what a waste- but for me, it was using my creative side, I had fun, and I really loved it.
Up next---  THE CAKE!!  It was dar.ling.  And I mean it.  Dar-ling.  Once I had found the plates and napkins online, I started looking on google images for Olivia cakes.  This same cake came up and it was Purrrrrrrrr-fect.  My friend Jenny, made, designed, and decorated it all on her own.  Props, Mrs. Sheriff- HUGE PROPS!!  A job well done.  :)
I mean- doesn't it match so perfectly!?  And btw, her invitation is there to the right.  Adorable as etsy purchase. 
I also added a bit of flare to our fireplace. I bought a few Olivia books, a few little stuffed animals, brought the lamp down (and also the red rug) from Makenna's room, and wa-la...A totally cute Olivia alter. And as you can see, I had Olivia blown up and mounted her on foam board. I added the red ribbon touch and again....wa-la. SO. Fun.
Cake, cookies, M&M's...framed pictures of Miss Mak, plates and napkins, a few balloons- done.  Let's party!
The kids arrived and were ready to terrorize the basement! Fine with me- there's a bunch of junk down there, so whatev. But as soon as they heard the word 'game' they were all ears. Criss cross, applesauce- spoons in the bowl. A little teacher lingo and they were like puddy in my hands.
None of the kids were strong enough to break the pinata, so they each got to pull a string!
Each child had their picture taken with Makenna and Olivia.  The original thought was to use the red and white boas, but that thought was forgotten...I won't mention any names.  I printed off each picture to send in the thank you.  Pretty cute, huh?! 
Group picture with the pig ears and Miss Olivia herself. They were saying, "We love Olivia!"..hence their open mouths.  And ps- I had asked the kids to wear red, black, and white- because seriously...why not?!  The one little girl in purple said, "Purple's my new favorite color, so I wanted to wear purple."  Hey- to each their own!
We lit the candles and sang Happy Birthday.  Miss Thang decided she was going to act all embarassed.  I guess there's a first for everything.  :)
The cake was delicious and nutritious- well, maybe not nutritious...but certainly good.  Somewhere around cake time, Makenna said very loudly, "This is the best birthday party EVER!"  Hmm- wonder where she would have come up with that phrase?!... It's still super cute though, don't get me wrong.  What a sweet pea.
Lil Mak opened presents next.  And then I read a few stories to end our two hour Olivia Extravaganza...calmed 'em down a bit and they were glued.
A family picture, tear down, and clean up.  It really was SO. MUCH. FUN.  I asked her what she thought about it after all of her friends had left.  "It was pretty good!"  That makes it so worth it. 
Rule of Life #48- Love your little girl more and more every day.

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