Sunday, January 30, 2011

She's F.O.U.R.

C'mon- are you serious?!  Four years have just gone by like-- that!? (place the sound of a snap here.)  How does that even happen?  She's such a fun-loving girl, she's smart, she's kind and polite, and funny.  I wish I were better about writing down quotes, but a few I remember are:
-I don't wanna play with Bennett...he's not REAL yet!
-Daddy said it was okay to have a sister, Mom.
-I'm not a (smart) cookie..I'm a human!

We were able to once again continue our tradition of going to Texas Roadhouse to ride the saddle.  Yee- haw!!!!!!!

Bennett loved watching the girls dance.  :)  One of the servers even picked him up and danced with him.  He's SUCH a flirt!
 Makenna loved watching the girls dance too, and she was SO excited about sitting on the saddle, however--
She got all nervous, and embarassed and didn't want to smile.  It was so out of character for her!  You can almost see her cheeks turning all pink. :)

And on the way home, the kids were playing together in the backseat.  I had just a brief moment to snap a picture- Makenna looks like she's high on life, but you get the idea.  It's things like this I don't wanna forget.
We all came back to the house for presents and cake.
Happy Birthday sweet girl.  We love you SOO much.

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