Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Snowy January Days

I was feeling quite guilty, if I'm being honest.  I like being in control...I like knowing how to handle the situation, and what I'm going to do in case x, y, or z happens.  I feel most comfortable understanding the answers to what, when, why, and how.  I do however know that I'm not alone- I sincerely think it's a mom thing...especially for mothers who are organized and want to be successful in their home.  So I was feeling quite guilty.  We had already had Kansas City's "first snow".  I didn't take the kids out because Ben wasn't home to help and I personally didn't feel like I could handle an almost 4 year old, plus a 15 month old by myself.  Call me a wuss, go ahead.  And then as much as I wanted Ben to take the kids out, he was busy, he wasn't home before dark, etc., etc.  Not to mention the absolute FRIGID temperatures last time.  I mean hello- I hired the next door neighbor boys to shovel! :) So to sum up the sitch, they never got to go out...thus making me feel like a bad mom.

So yesterday while it was snowing (and still light), I wrapped up the kids in tons of clothing and sucked it up.  They really did have a great time.  I shoveled a bit, they played, Bennett fell, Makenna scooped up snow.

It was hard for Bennett to walk around though, he had such thick layers on.  Plus, I didn't have any good shoes for him, so I know his feet had to be freezing.  He was rather funny about actually being in the snow.  He felt most comfortable where I had scooped or inside the garage, however he did love seeing and hearing the geese as they honked their way over our home.  I bet there were 25 flocks that flew by within the hour we were out there.  I was afraid we might end up with goose poop on our hats!

I really wanted to get a super cute picture of the kids together in the snow, but that was a no-go.  Here's what I got-

But then things got ugly.  I didn't bring them in when I thought I should have because Mak wanted to play longer.  Bad decision on my part.  Bennett was SOO over it.  So then I had two screaming, cold, and miserable kiddos who were upset, mad, and ready to go in. 

And aren't you proud of me?!  In the midst of screaming children and somewhat of a stressful situation, I found humor in my son and had to snap a picture.  I couldn't help but laugh!  :) 

Straight to the bath, warm, dry, and cozy clothes, hot chocolate and blankets.  It was a great few hours...wish I would have had some help...but hey- someone's gotta make the money for a family of four!

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