Thursday, February 10, 2011

10 on 10

Here's yet another 10 on 10.  I love it more and more every time I do it.  A huge thank you to the creator of the idea, whoever you may brillant!  The months simply fly by.  Whoosh- there they go.

Welcome- Here's a glimpse into our day.

Good morning- how about some Cinnamon Life and sunshine to start off the day, por favor!?  Order up!
Sucked into Super Why....Super Why-- He's the guy, He's- Super Why!
Do they look like siblings or what?!..or maybe it's just me.
I think this was about the time that I put Bennett in his first ever time out.  You should have seen it- I was laughing, although trying very hard not to, he was yelling na-na (which means no-no) and he wouldn't stay.  I was holding him there and saying no-no to him, then he'd say it back to me.  I'm talking...hilarious.  He kept kicking the cat-- no longer the Cat Whisperer...that's FOR SURE!  What a little rat.  And trust me, I thought about trying to get a picture of it, but I couldn't make it happen.
What a good helper. He's already better than his father. :)  Heehee.
Then he was furious with me because he wanted the camera.  His temper-tantrums have really begun, and it's SOO funny.  He's quite the spit-fire.
Miss Mak was into photography as well-- took this very upclose and personal self portrait.  Those baby blues are gonna get some guy right in the heart before too long.
After lunch, clean up, and a few daily chores, it was bath time.  Tickle time came next. 
My parents had their Ribbon Cutting Ceremony for the new Anytime Fitness!
Ben and I took the kids to Granite City to grab a bit of grub, then headed home-- and as you can see, with two worn-out kiddos in the back.  Bennett has Daddy's hat on, and Makenna's nose was cold.  :)   Then off to bed, off to bed I said.
PS- Don't count the pictures.  

1 comment:

kristine said...

great day!
congrats to your parents!
LOVE that very first picture!!! hello photographer!!! it's gorgeous!