Friday, February 11, 2011

Bennett 16 months

Two months away from a year and a half!?  Woah, dog.

Most recent items to check off the milestone list:
- Learning how to jump (as you'll see in the video).
- Learning how to sing songs, plus having the new emotion of pride. :)
- He knows his belly, hair, eyes, lips, tongue, ears, feet, nose, etc.
- His first bottom molar has now come all the way through.  He's working on the other bottom one, and a top one too- plus an eye tooth.  That gets a YIKES!
- Understands most everything you say and does what you ask.  He loves giving kisses.
- If you ask, "What does a doggy say?," he'll do the woof, woof, woof sound.  If you ask about a kitty, or a bear, or a bee- he makes the same sound.  In fact, if he happens to see an animal anywhere (tv, book, outside...) he'll make the barking sound.  We've got some work to do.
- He still doesn't call me mama or Ben dada, but when he wakes from his nap he is usually saying mama-mama-mama-mama. 
-He is certainly testing his limits too- gotta love an independent toddler!
- A copy-cat of his big sister...Heaven help us.

Enjoy Bennett's new singing skills!  What a crack up.

1 comment:

kristine said...

16 months?!?!?! what the heck?!?!