Thursday, February 24, 2011

You've Got Mail

Makenna's preschool class was doing a lesson on writing letters.  They had us each choose someone to address the envelope to, stamp it, etc.  Who'd Miss Mak pick?....yepper- her main man, Jax.  They put the letters in the mailbox, put the red flag up and the whole nine yards.  I wasn't able to see the letter, but I'm sure it was cute.  So fast forward a few days:
Neither Mandy nor I had spoken about this.  It was most likely a sweeter surprise for us, than it was our children. :)  Seriously? cute is this?!  And what a great idea!  Makenna is so in love.  The other day, just randomly, she told Daddy that she was "going to marry Jax when she becomes a mommy."  Ben just shakes his head and smiles.  We're hoping she marries Jax first, then becomes a mommy.

1 comment:

The Mama said...

LOL! I hope they marry first too! What a cute comment from Mak. I'm so glad you got the mail. I was actually just thinking, "I wonder if they got it?" And you are so smart to take a picture of it and post it. Wish I would have thought of that! I learn so much from you-smart lady!