Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Soccer- Season Two

I don't really think Makenna realizes it's been a whole year since she played soccer, but just the same- she loves it like she did before.  We started off our season having the first practice this evening- boy, was it cold.  I'd say 35 degrees or so. Brrrrrrrrrrr.
 Lil Man wanted to take his picture too. Didn't really have to twist my arm...
 He had to take a soccer ball too.  What a boy.
Here's an action shot/"I'll pose for the camera" shot.  Either or. Same diff.

 There are seven kids per little team.  Four of the other families we're friends with...good times- good times.

From left: Makenna, Mia, Sam, Jax, and Max
 She was begging to warm up with some hot cocoa..I gave in.  What kid doesn't need a cup of sugar before they go to bed?

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