Thursday, March 10, 2011

Bennett 17 months

Bath time is so fun.  Really though- who am I kidding?  It is sometimes overwhelming and my patience is not only worn thin at that time of day, but probably non-existent.  Most times, I'm exhausted.  Then there's water everywhere, EVERYWHERE, Makenna's wanting 'the hot water side' and Bennett's taking her toys.  Tonight however, I was doing okay and so were they.  Smiles all around, friends.
It also happens to be Bennett's 17 month birthday!  My goodness...can I say that again and again?  Do you see me shaking my head with disbelief?!

What all his little life entails:
Words or sounds he's saying-
hahahaha (hot) 
baaaaaa (ball)
babaaa  (basketball)
mau (kitty, meow)
rrr rrr  (doggy, ruff-ruff)
uh-uh  (uh-oh)
kkkkkkk  (yucky)
baybay  (baby)
na-na or NA!  (no-no or NO!)
eyyyyyyyye  (eye)
hi, bye, mama, dada, and brrrr (cold)
He'll sign 'more.'
Bennett is finally a milk man!  He has disliked milk, in fact refused milk, from the time I started putting it in his sippy cups.  For now though, we're a go.  Yippee Skippy for Vitamin D.  He sure is a loud gulper.  He'll sleep his normal 12 hours at night, and then takes a 2-3 hour nap during the day.  We think he weighs around 25 pounds, if not more and he has 12 teeth.  He will eat anything and everything you give him.  You should see him eat corn on the cob!  His little belly isn't quite so little. :)  One of his bad habits is certainly not wanting to go on his belly down the stairs.  He pretty much refuses.  He thinks he can walk down them like the rest of us.  He also loves singing songs and then clapping for himself when he's done. Ben and I think he's really funny.

The other big event in his life has been the whole thumb sucking thing.  He wore a bandaid on his thumb for almost a week, and hasn't sucked it once.  We're keeping our fingers (thumbs) crossed!!! :)

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