Sunday, April 10, 2011

10 on 10

We started off our morning in Denver, CO with a pledge brother of Ben's.  We were all up and at 'em by around 7.  Rise and Shine, Morning Glories- do dah, do dah.

Here's John, Jeani, and Jacob.
After flying home on Southwest, I unpacked the bags and started in on the laundry.
Bennett woke up from his nap and we had some family time.  I was giving him his snack and he said, "Mama bye bye.  Dada bye bye."  He was saying we had been gone...I mean- SO sweet. :)

He's really into saying "Cheeeeeeeeeeeeeeese!"
Some much needed love-on-Daddy-time.
And yes, The Masters were on.  Bennett kept saying, "Ba!  Ba!!  Ba!!!"  That means ball in his language.
The weather was simply beautiful.  Play time anyone?!  Miss Mak has her little brother wrapped around her finger.
Water break!!!!  Lil Man has really begun to think he's quite the big boy.  Do you see his new trick?!
Baths, jammies, and clean teeth for all the Dohrmanns.
Story time.
It's the Girl's of Makenna's favorite things to say.  And I love it too, of course.

1 comment:

The Herrigs said...

love this post each month:) Where did you get Bennett's shoes??? Way cute...the boys are needing some new kicks!