Friday, April 1, 2011

Another sleepover

Just another biggie! :)  They played, and played, and played, and played some more.  We had dinner, they watched Toy Story (and had popcorn of course), and then hit the hay.  I think it took them all of 3 minutes to settle down and fall asleep.  That's the way we like it!

I overheard Miss Mak say to Jax, "You're my very best friend, Jax"  His response?!...."Cool!"  Boy verse girl is just hysterical.  Her intentions were nothing short of sweet, kind, genuine, and real....same as his! :)
As you can see, Bubba really wanted in on the action this time.  Do you blame him!?  Pretty funny though...Jax still has a baby brother- only 3 months old.  He's not used to another child taking his toys, having to share, etc.  Truth be told, he really wasn't a fan.  Makenna was hardly even phased.  Soon enough Mr. Jax..soon enough. :)
"Say Cheese, Bennett!"
PS- I have NO idea why I can't center this flippin pic. Arrrrrrrrr.

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