Monday, April 11, 2011

Bennett- 18 months

The kid is a year and a half.  The kid is a year and a half.  The kid is a year and a half.

He does so many great things, hits all the milestones, and does his part to make our home crazy chaotic.  But of course, we love him just the same.

I thought I'd change up the normal monthly posts with some other little things that make him who he is.  More of a personality post, other than a what-he's-doing post.

1. He LOVES shoes.  Loves them.  And they're not usually his.  See below...
2. I swear...he has some earwax issues.  Disgusting!  I clean them out every other day and the end of the Q-Tip is just covered.  TMI!?...maybe- but it's kind of funny too.
3. WWIII happens between him and I every 5th day or so.  Wanna know why!?  Because I have to cut his nails!  I'm not even kidding- he can't stand it.  Is there some sort of certification class I can take so that DFS isn't called in?  I mean- I break a sweat.
4. He has two really cute freckles.  Most people wouldn't even see them, but I'm the mom- that's my job.  One of them is on the inside of his right index finger.  Isn't that a random place?  The second one is in the middle of a fat roll on the right side of his neck.  I think they're really adorable. He also has an amazing dimple.
5. Bennett loves being outside like any other boy/child and throws a major fit when he has to come in.  Sweet can't always get your way. 
6. Another hygiene dilemma- his toe jam. :)  He thinks it's WAAAAY cool.  He's always on the look out for some and makes sure to show it to me when he's got it! Yucky boys.
7.  He's such a jibber-jabberer.  He has his own lingo, that's for sure.  I feel like Miss Mak had words (by this time) that at least sounded like what she was talking about.  Not. this. guy.  He says berlow (like merlot) for water.  Maybe he'll be a wine guy.  Toothbrush is ra-ra, flower is wa-wa, and me-me is more.  I mean, sorta close- but not really.  Who am I kidding?!
8.  Probably one of my favorite things right now about him is that when you ask him a yes or no question, he answers with mmm hmmm. I love this age.
9.  One last item for the big 18 month mark-- he has SUCH a hard time staying awake when we're in the car.  If it's around 11:30, and he's confined to his car seat, it's lights out people...and without the help of his thumb, thank you!  We're el done-o with that, thanks to the boo-boo a few months back!
In another 4-5 months, I'll start planning his 2nd birthday.  Can I get a 'woah dog!?'

Happy One and a Half Birthday, Bubba.  You're a sweet boy.

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