Thursday, April 14, 2011

Cute quotes

A few I thought I'd jot down.

Her response to many things right now is, "...that's because I'm four, right Mom?!"  I think it's hilarious- she's been four since January.  Maybe it's just now sunk in. :)

Another new one she's been using, "Awe, it's nothing."  The other day in the car I told her I was so proud of her for this and for that, etc., etc.  "That's nothin' Mom."

And a few days back she had "bought" me a present.  I ooed and awed over it, made a big deal..loved my gift.  I then asked her where she had bought it..."Mommy and Daddy Gap."  Hmmm.  I'm assuming I won't ever have to worry about my real gifts if she's in charge!  I've said it before and I'll say it again- she's a smart one, that Mak.

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