Sunday, April 24, 2011

Happy Easter 2011

Can you believe the Easter Bunny hopped all the way into our home, up our stairs, and dropped off the kids' baskets- right in front of their doors?!  What a cool cat, I mean- bunny. :)

Makenna is hilarious in this picture.  Her hair is a mess, and her face shows true shock and awe.
Miss Cali loves being nosey.
Family picture at church.  The sun was really bright, btw.
The kids couldn't contain their excitement about the Easter Egg Hunt, as you can see.
Bennett had his basket ready.  He'd pick up an egg, put it in, and then dump it out.  In his mind, the basket (and maybe the hunt itself) was quite overrated!  He just wanted to be outside and walk around.  Miss Mak's got 'er down, though. 
These two men are pretty special in my life.  A great grandpa and his great grandson.
The kids with Great Gma and Gpa.


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