Saturday, April 9, 2011

Makenna was on fire- no pun intended.

So I guess she said this-- Can I sit out? My hair is hot?!  This is so funny to me because only a few days earlier she had said that she was so hot- even her TEETH were hot! :)  Kids say the darndest things (I love Bill Cosby btw).  My mom said she didn't want a pony tail so probably what she meant was that her neck was hot and her hair was sweaty. 

Mandy told me that she'd play in the game for maybe 60 seconds before she was too tired and had to sit out.  Oh Lord- she may be like her mother.  :)
And then I guess the only "goal" she actually had was to take a picture of Jax..since he wouldn't take a picture with her.  Nevermind he was PLAYING IN A SOCCER GAME!  A girl's gotta do, what a girl's gotta do.  She sure loves her some Jax.
Bennett was maybe the real champion of all of this.  He stood by his sister's side and supported her all morning.  I'm sure he didn't mind being outside for three hours either, but that's not important.

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