Saturday, May 28, 2011

Des Moines with the Dohrmanns

The whole Dohrmann clan decided to meet up in Des Moines for Memorial Day.  We were able to pick up Miss Mak on Friday afternoon, while getting a yummy bite to eat at some Italian place (Latin King).  We then checked into the hotel.  I mean- I had no idea how fun a hotel could be!  I guess Makenna hasn't stayed in a hotel since she was teeny tiny, and Bennett's never been in one at all.  Man...was there fun to be had!  Lots of jumping on the beds, playing with old school phones, yelling in the bathroom, and not to mention the indoor POOL!  We could (if we wanted) claim this as our first official family vacay, but I'm not 100% certain I really want to.  :)
We met my girlfriend and her fiance for some good eatin'.  What could have been the whole "you have a a bar" scenario, really turned out okay.  We were sure glad they had a fenced in patio and heat lamps!  You can see Makenna's ALL about the pose these days.
And this is our official/unofficial first family vacation picture taken at Wellington's in West Des Moines.  Yee Haw!

As for Saturday- it rained, and rained, and rained some more.  Plan A was shot, and then Plan B was aborted.  So, it was onto the Jordan Creek Mall no less (with everyone else's mom, dad, sister, and brother.)  In all honesty, I think it worked out perfectly.  Grandpa Boyd and Uncle Brian took Cousin Cael and Mak to see Kung Fu Panda 2- a magical idea!  Ben and Adam pushed the strollers with the baby boys, and us girls did a tad bit of shopping!  I bought the cutest heals evah...Ben was ecstatic.  :)

We had dinner at a nice italian ristorante, thoroughly enjoyed a few bottles of wine, and great conversation/company.  A marvelous day!  Thank you again to Gma Irene and Gpa Boyd for everything!

The Dohrmann Crew.  Des Moines, IA.  Memorial Day. 2011.
Ben's younger sister, Sarah is in the middle with her husband, Adam and their son, Will is sitting on Gpa's lap.  Ben's older sister Jill and her husband Brian are on the right.  Their son Cael is smack dab in the middle. :)

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