Tuesday, May 3, 2011


Would you believe the other day while vacuuming, I found a STEAK KNIFE under our daughter's bed?!  Yep- not even kidding.  First of all, I never, ever check under her bed.  And for some odd reason, I pulled up the bed skirt and had quite a surprise.  I called her into her room and asked her a few questions.
"Makenna, honey- where did you get this?"
From downstairs.
"Okay- why?!"
I was playing 'food'.
"Sweetheart- WHEN did you get this?!"
Ummm...next Wednesday.  (Yes, I smiled.)
"Sweet pea- you CAN NOT get out or play with a knife.  I'm serious- that's really dangerous.  Please...do you understand?"
Okaaaaaay, Mom.  So I can't play 'food'?...

Wow.  Double wow.

Another quick story-
As we were getting ready to go outside to play, I asked her if she was ready.  She said, "I'm as ready as I'll ever be!" 

This morning, I looked over the stairs to find Bennett with his nose in time out.  Had I put him there?!...Ummm- nope.  Had Miss Mak put him there?!...Ummm- yep!  She was standing over him saying, "Bennett, no-no.  You can't touch the buttons on the tv."  He was just smiling.  :)

Bennett has recently really taken to pat-a-cake.  He loves the 'rrrrrrrroll' part and starts the rrrrrrrr-ing way in advance.  He'll also put his hands behind his back and walk around with his belly sticking out.  It's quite funny. 

And I keep forgetting to mention how he does laundry!  I'll ask him to take an article of clothing to his room.  He runs out of my room, down the hall and acts like he's going to be obedient.  Then beelines into the guest bathroom and throws it in the trash!  19 months.  Here we come.

Gotta love 'em.

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