Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Our last tee ball game

We couldn't be more proud!  She had a great first ever season playing tee ball with the rest of the Tigers.  I think her favorite thing about tee ball was the chance to play in the dirt and get dirty.  We could pretty well count on her playing the field, picking up the dirt and pouring it in her glove. That glove was like the perfect sifter! And she also became a dadgum good hitter too!  For a great ending, she really wanted to show off- Makenna had an awesome hit...probably her best so far.  This video is not the hit I was talking about, but it was a good one too.

Here's Deacon, Hudson, Will, and Lil Mak waiting so patiently to receive their medals!
 She wears her heart on her sleeve.
And the final Tigers huddle looked like this.  What a great first experience.  A HUGE thanks to our coaches and their wives!!!  You guys rocked it.
And my favorite quote from the evening was that 'her feet were KILLIN' her!"

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