Friday, July 29, 2011

The rest of the nickel story...

While Makenna and I were at Oceans of Fun with Vicki a few days back, Makenna went #2 in a handicapped stall.  Both Ben and I were still under the impression she hadn't passed it yet. I wasn't going to search through her poo at OOF- who would?!  So then a few hours later, as we're getting ready to leave, we go back into that same stall to use the restroom.  As I start to set her on the potty, I notice a quarter in the bottom of the toilet.  I think to myself, "Now isn't that weird?!...I've never, ever in my life seen money at the bottom of a toilet..and how coincedental is this?" We were never exactly sure on what type of coin she actually swallowed, and in fact a girlfriend of mine who is a radiologist thought it might have been a quarter by looking at her x-rays!  I also realize the money could have fallen out of someone's pocket, or what have you.  But come on-

To end the drama, we reexamined her the day after.  The nickel/quarter was no longer in her system.  Weird?!  I don't know.

So I guess I don't know for sure when or where she passed it.  But the moral of the story comes back to- don't let your children play with money! :)

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