Monday, September 19, 2011

Well exams

We took the kids to the good doc today for their well visits. I think most parents who are as anal as I, would probably have done their child's check-up when they were supposed to. Eh, not I said the fly. Makenna is over 4.5 and just now doing her four year appointment. Bennett actually happens to be on time, however that was only a coincendence. Here are the stats from our sweet babes.
Miss Mak:
41 inches tall
37 pounds
She's around the 50th percentile for both height and weight. My plan of marrying a tall, skinny man pays off. :)
Mr. B:
34.5 inches tall
30 pounds
He is in the 60th(ish) percentile for height and the 75th percentile for weight.  He's a brick house...just like his mommy.  Dr. Paul said that he thought maybe he could be a lineman, but on the offensive side- less concussions and head injuries. Sounds good to me.

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