Monday, October 10, 2011

Choo Choo- Bennett's TWO!

He's such a big boy now.  Using the potty, drinking from a cup, saying sentences and having I know he'll be drinking beer with Daddy.  :)

His birthday party was super fun.  He's obsessed with trains, hence the theme.  The down side of taking lots of pictures is then you have lots to post.  Hopefully you all don't really care...

Here's an aerial shot of the kitchen table decor.
The cake was done by Great Cakes in Liberty.  I would highly recommend using them for you locals.  Notice the silverware and banner matched the cake.  Ah, Etsy. :)
The kids were given wooden train whistles as a parting gift.  Yes- I waited until they were out of my house. :)  I wasn't born yesterday.
The birthday boy was in his conductor duds- fully equipped with a choo choo shirt (that he went ballistic over!) and choo choo pants.  Allllllllllllll aboard!!!!!!!!!!!  Once again- the shirt?!....Etsy.
The pants, Gap Kids last spring. :)
He waited so patiently for everyone to gather in the family room.  Presents, presents, and more presents!
The best present was saved for last, of course.  What two year old boy (who happens to love trains) wouldn't want a riding Thomas theTrain?!  Duh.
Tearing him away from Thomas to come inside for cake and ice cream was quite a fiasco.  Once he actually understood what was going on, then it was better.  Lesson learned- maybe next time...give the best present after the cake!

He blew out the candle before we could even get through the Happy Birthday song.  Therefore, this was a do-over. :)
He was so proud. :)  And big sister was too.
How 'bout we try a family shot?!
We love you SOO very much, Bubba.  You're our favorite lil guy.  Happy 2nd Birthday!

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