Saturday, October 15, 2011

Harvest in Hampton 2011

Oh mannnnnnn.  Is it good to be a Dohrmann?!!  We ventured up to Ben's family's farm this past weekend and took. it. all. in.  The weather was really gorgeous and made for such an enjoyable farm/harvest visit.  Bennett wouldn't stop talking about the "ombine." Miss Mak loved chasing the kitties with Cousin Cael...her new BFF.  And Daddy- he about jumps out of his skin when you start talking about going home for harvest.  You think I'm kidding...

I asked Makenna to come upstairs and pack her bag with "whatever she felt she needed to go to the farm."  That was all I said, and all I did.  Sure enough..she came upstairs, went to her bedroom, and told me about fifteen minutes later that she was done.  I said okay and went about my business.  Awhile later, I thought maybe I should "recheck" her work.  I was in awe.  She was the perfect packer...I swear she's better than her 36 year old father!  A girl after my own heart.

She had the perfect look-out for little dalmation.
And then she had headbands in one side pocket, underwear in another, and socks on the inside.  A few skirts and some shirts folded SO nicely.  Organized and ready, well thought-out and impressive.  I really couldn't believe it.  Thought it'd make a great memory.
When we arrived, Ben's cousin Paul (and his family) came over.  Both of his sisters and their boys, his aunt, etc.  The whole gang!!  Beer, pizza, and lots of chaos easily equals a great time!!  And then we hit the hometown bar for a late night snack and some more brewskies. 

Here are the kids:
Cael Roberts (Jill Dohrmann's son), Mitchell and Grace Fahrmann (Paul's kids), Will  Britton (Sarah's son), and then ours.  They sure had a heckuv a party playing!
Adult time at the Coulter Pub with Paul and Adam.

 Mindy, Jill, and Sarah
And the Dohrmann grandkids- Cael (8), Will (1), and Miss Mak & B.  Sweet thangs.
Lucky for us, the weather was absolutely, amazingly, perfect.  It was cool and crisp, with the sun shining.  And because the weather was so incredible, and I was feeling all photog-ish, you'll get to view some pretty great pics, if I do say so myself!  I'm no professional, BUT...  :)
Talk about a sa-weet poser.  He's all, Mr. GQ.
Bennett fell in the tall grass and couldn't really get up.  Quite funny actually!
And doesn't this picture depict your ideal image of farm life?  It's perfect in my eye.  One of my faves from the weekend.
Grandpa Boyd lovin' every minute.
Some good 'ole fashioned farm shots.
How can you not love this? 
Everyone took a turn for a ride in the combine....aka "ombine" as Bennett says.

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