Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Pumpkins, Etc.

We took another class field trip to the pumpkin patch this morning.  Boy...it was WINDY!!!  Pretty bad in all honesty.  Not gonna lie- I might have wanted to get back in the car and go home.  Of course I didn't- it was my daughter's day...but man.  Nasty wind.

A good day though however and the kids had tons of fun!  We're so lucky she attends such a great preschool, with such loving families and wonderful teachers.

Going through the corn maze.
Class photo on top of the round bales.
I know wind is invisible, but can't you see it in this picture?! I. love. this. one.
Bale bopping!
Holding the baby kitties.  Most certainly her favorite part!
Mommy and Miss Mak with her perfect pumpkin...which btw, was really perfect.

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