Wednesday, December 28, 2011

S is for Sigma women, ba dadada

I love being a sorority girl. I do.  I wouldn't change that for anything.  And it's fine if you think I bought my friends.  I don't really care.  I love having real, lasting relationships with girlfriends from college.  And there's such a strong bond.  I have some super great girls in my life, who now have super great kids of their own!

A little play date over Christmas break!
Makenna is holding Baby IJ.  Then Addie, Bennett, Nyta, Quinn, Leyton, Vivi, Layla, Amir, Phillip, and Brady.

Maiden last names of kids are Brooks, Colley, Gross, Stiefvator, Lynch, Colley, Schmitt, Ziegler, Lynch

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