Thursday, December 15, 2011

School Christmas Program

We were supposed to have the dance Christmas program on Wednesday, and then her program for school the next morning.  Grandma and Grandpa Dohrmann drove into town to watch Miss Mak show us her stuff! And basically my entire side of the family was going to come too... BUTTTTTTTTTT-- that didn't all pan out.  Makenna ended up having a double ear infection the same afternoon as the dance program.  So we stayed in, ordered in, and she slept on the sofa.  Poor thing.  By the next morning though, she was fairly well back to 100%.  At least Gma and Gpa got to see one out of the two.

She did great.  Sang her lil heart out!  Smiled, did the actions, and waved to us a few times. :)
Here's the lil guy- what a stinker!
I think this one's really sweet.
Family photo opps.  First up- Us.
Next in line- Grandma Marsha.  Grandpa Mike was busy working. 
Then Great Grandma and Grandpa VanDever.
And finally, Grandma Irene and Grandpa Boyd.  Our kids are soo lucky.  WE are so lucky!
We had a yummy lunch with everyone (plus Uncle Ryan) at Olive Garden.  Soup, salad, and breadsticks all around!!  Great job, Miss Mak.  We all love you and are so proud!

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