Friday, December 10, 2010

10 on 10

Well, woop-tee-do!  Ten on Ten once again!  Lord, the months just go by too quickly. 

We started off our morning by going to MOPS.  I really love that- I mean...I really do.  I am so grateful to my friend Meredith for starting this beautiful group of young moms.  I have been to basically every meeting and every activity that she has set up and I'm so appreciative.  I was taught a very amazing life skill as a Tri Sigma in college.  This isn't the exact quote, but it's something like "What you give, is what you shall receive."  Thanks again, Mere.  Truely-

Here's breakfast before we left.  Lil Mak had a MELTDOWN about her attire.  She WAS NOT going to have pants on.  Princesses don't wear pants...princesses don't wear socks.  Princesses don't wear shoes.  It was quite the battle, but I won in the end. A bit of a compromise and we were good to go. She's mid-bite...sorry if you don't much prefer "sea food!" :)
Here we are in the car on our way.  What are we listening to you may ask!?  Why the Lady Gaga CD of course!  Her infamous quote EVVVVERRRRRYYYY car ride.  "Mommy, turn it up.  I can't hear it!...a little more....a little bit more."
Next up was lunch time with Daddy, running a few errands, and stopping by my parents new gym.  I know you all know about it from previous posts, but T minus 5 days until it's open.  Hip hip hooray! They're drawing for free one year membership if you're interested.  Click here.
 (These pictures were actually taken on a different day- I had forgotten my camera.)
We came back to the house for some rest time...for everyone but me.  Why is that!?  Makenna helped me prep the house for the painter.  She was an amazing helper.
After rest time, we played the game "Who can mess up the guest bedroom the fastest!?"  I think you all know who won.  Refer to Exhibit A.

Exhibit A
We tried to lay low while Branson was working. That worked for a minute or two. :)  From yellow to a grey-blue..I needed that change!  It needed that change.  The whole downstairs...Whew.
Baths, then story time for the little guy. Ben and I were headed out to a holiday party so I put him to bed a bit early. Megan came over and watched a movie with Miss Mak and then put her to bed too. Thanks, Meggie.
Mark it down, folks-  I have only N.I.N.E. pictures for 10 on 10.  :)

1 comment:

Mandy said...

OMG-how can you ever live with yourself...only 9 pictures for 10 on 10 day! Girlfriend, I thought you were type-A?!?