Friday, December 31, 2010

New Years Eve

We had a super-duper fun NYE celebration over at Jill's new house!  It is the PERFECT pad for a party.  The total head count- 14 adults...19 kids. And two many people is that?!  Yikes!

She was the hostess with the mostess, I can promise you that.  We enjoyed drinks on the house and BBQ from Smokehouse.  She had the perfect meals for the littles-- star shaped sammy's, fruit and yogart parfaits, chips, and cookies...with a juice box of course!  She had the kids make sequins balls and jeweled party hats (b/c why wouldn't you?!).  She even took them on a scavenger hunt!! ...AND they had orange jello in champagne glasses for when they said "Happy New Year!!"  (at 8:00 mind you).  I'm talking SUPER-DUPER!  Thanks, Tune- you're the best.  No honestly- can we make this an annual thing!!??  Haha.
Makenna wasn't much for the orange jello, but wanted to go play some more instead. Jill could barely pull her away from the babies to go do the crafts!! :) 
And Bennett seriously loved that horn!  He wouldn't let up.  He wasn't even blowing air into it, he was just making the sound with his voice.  He knows how to play the harmonica, so I thought he'd be able to figure it out.  One of the other dad's was really sweet and said, "I really like him. He's a cool kid!"  Can you tell I agree!?

Happy New Year-- Make it a great twenty eleven!!!!
PS- I think I look pregnant in this picture, which I am not!  Plus it doesn't help that I have a kiddy drink in my hand! 

1 comment:

Eniola said...

Maybe baby number three will be on the way soon. Bennett is over a year now. :)