Wednesday, January 5, 2011

What happens in Vegas, doesn't always STAY in Vegas!

We had a ball!  For all you FBer's, I know you pretty well had the play-by-play on my status updates, and maybe you've already seen some great images too- who knows!?  But anyway, it was so flipping fun!  We had some wonderful mommy and daddy time away and enjoyed ourselves thoroughly. 

We gambled, we shopped, we toured, and we went down and out in complete Las Vegas style. 

These are the "G-rated" photos I thought were blog appropriate. Enjoy!

And I most certainly can't forget to give a big shout out to Ben's parents.  They drove down here, they stayed here with the kids, and took care of their every need...for FOUR days!!  It was awesome and I/we really appreciate it.  Greatly--

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