Wednesday, December 22, 2010

You know...

Dasher, and Dancer, and Prancer, and Vixon.  Comet, and Cupid, and Donner, and Blitzen.  But do you recall...the most favorite reindeer of all!?!!?!?! 

 Happy early Christmas to my blogging family and friends.

These pictures crack me up.  You all know (especially with more than one child) to get a good picture is near impossible, unless you happen to be the cutest Austin family of seven I know!  :)  Don't you just wish you could photoshop one face onto another body, this cute grin with that cute pose, these eyes open with that one's head raised!!?? One would think that you could at least get one good one out of four.  Nope.  Although, they're still pretty freaking cute.

And the shirts are from none other than (once again) my good friend Heather!  I've posted in the past a few other items I have purchased from her, but here's her info once again.  You can friend her on FB under the group Especially For You.  She also has an etsy account.  Enjoy!!

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