Sunday, December 19, 2010

BEST Sleepover Ever!

Makenna has been recently expressing her interest in having a slumber party!  I'm not sure the protocol on when exactly these usually happen for the first time?...but I'm assuming it's probably whenever the kids are ready. Mr. Jax and Miss Makenna were ready!  Makenna was ecstatic to say it lightly!  She could hardly wait for him to get here and throughout most of the day, kept asking if he'd be here soon.

They played in the basement first.  Jax was rough housing, Makenna was trying to, and Bennett watched with amazement!  But then Jax wanted to play football and Makenna wanted to play princess.  A little gender glitch we had to work out.  :)  All's fair in love and war.
We enjoyed some pizza for din-din, and then whipped up a batch of none other than chocolate chip, peanut butter, oatmeal cookies.  A perfect dessert! They did such a great job taking turns pouring in the ingredients and mixing together.  At one point, Makenna turned to me and said, "Jax is so handsome!"  He overheard her say this and chimed in, "Yea- and  I'm cool too!"  I thought I was going to fall over.  Too funny.
While the cookies were baking and I was cleaning up, they (on their own might I add) decided to get their jammies on, get their sleeping bags out, and read some stories.  I pinky swear, friends.  It was like they had had a million sleepovers before.  I guess you all understand when I say this- sometimes I just wish I could have a video camera recording all day long.  I love being there, seeing it all unfold, but I also know that I'll forget it.  This was certainly one of those times.

A real life fairy tale...Jax was reading the story of Sleeping Beauty to Makenna. 
He knew it word for word...and then made up the parts he didn't!  :)
I would honestly post like the next 10 pictures I took, if I felt I could.  I realize that might be a little redundant.  They were also watching Cars in between reading Winnie the Pooh and other sweet stories.  I just kept taking the pictures...I couldn't put down my camera.  I JUST WANNA REMEMBER!!!!!!!  That's all- is it really all that much to ask!?
 Mandy- were they separated at birth!? :)
After we paused the movie and had some milk and cookies, it was time to really focus only on Lightning McQueen and Mater.  What comes next?!  Ummm- hello...popcorn, silly.  Eh, why not!?  That's what'cha do at a slumber party!
Off to bed around nine.  They whispered, giggled, promised they would go to sleep, whispered, and giggled some more.  They were being so quiet and so sweet everytime I would go into tell them it was bedtime.  I loved it more than them...I had to of.  :)  I THINK they fell asleep around ten...or at least that's when I closed my eyes.
We had some snuggle time with Daddy the next morning and enjoyed pancakes for breakfast!  I'd say they set the bar pretty dad gum high for sleepovers! :) What a blast.  Not. kidding.

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