Monday, January 31, 2011

Sleeping Babes

I was feeling quite gutsy...

I have always gone into Makenna's bedroom to check on her, recover her up before I go to bed, make sure she's still breathing...maybe it's a first child thing.  And I have never gone into Bennett's room- is that weird?!  It doesn't mean I care less about him, it just means I'm more comfortable the second time around. 

Anyway, I wanted to sneek a peek at BOTH of our children and even flashed the camera in their sleeping eyes.  Neither of them even flinched. :)

My resting Angels-


The Mama said...

LOVE it! Love sleeping pictures. Don't they just look so innocent?!

kristine said...

precious. that's funny you don't check on b!! i check on n every night. we'll see about #2!