Tuesday, February 1, 2011

The Snow-Me State

There's been a compilation of new names for this silly thing we like to call the Blizzard of Twenty Eleven.  I call it dumb.  redic.  a crazy, insane mess.  yuck. We received 17 inches within three weeks of Jan., and then the very first day of Feb. comes into play and we get another 12-14 inches.  We live in Kansas City for a reason, folks.  It's not like we live in Minneapolis!  Most people were snowed in for at least two days, if not three.  The city basically shut down and even I-70 to St. Louis was closed.  I think that was a first-ever.  Nuts-o!

1 comment:

kristine said...

the snow-me state. good one. i love all the names everyone has come up with!