Saturday, February 26, 2011

Being Artsy

Makenna loves painting.  And she loves coloring.  And she loves doing "school work."  She may just have a bit of an artsy flare.  She does NOT get that from me, and I don't think she gets it from her father either. 

I think she's writing her name so well.  This is completely on her own.  100%. Not bad for a brand new four year old!
She painted this picture about a week before her 4th birthday.  I thought it was dar-ling.  She said "each flower needs its own sunshine."  Smart cookie, that one. :)
And these two are fairly hot off the press.  I think the rainbow one was a few days back and the heart was yesterday.  I drew the heart, but I love that she chose red (makes sense) and she stayed in the lines.  What a good little girl.  Love her to pieces.

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