Sunday, February 13, 2011

DAM Club at Will's

We haven't been together since our hayride the first part of November- that's pretty unbelievable, really.  But with the holidays, then snow, plus life- things get in the way and it's just simply hard to coordinate 5 families' schedules! 

However- we made it work for this evening and everyone made it!!  We even met the sweet babes, Adara (4.5 mos) and Trey (1 mo).  We had a wonderful time and the kids played hard!  Ten children, ten parents-- 'nuff said. :)  And there happens to be another new baby on the way, coming in May! 

Daddy Day Care (Ryan and Adara)
Baby Boy Treyden Decker building up his neck muscles.
Jax, Femi, Hudson, and Makenna
And the cop in charge, Mr. Chad had the kids all settled down watching a movie.
Here are a few of the most decent group shots that I had.
A HUGE thank you to our friend Heather for hosting.  As the kids get to be bigger they make bigger messes.  It's hard to host, but we sure appreciated it!!

1 comment:

kristine said...

i miss it! ten kids!!! wow!