Thursday, March 10, 2011

10 on 10

This is the most half-a$$ 10 on 10 that I've ever done.  Promise.  I was fairly frustrated with my efforts.  Blah.  :(

I was thinking about it the night before and had made a mental note to take a picture with Gma and Gpa Dohrmann.  They had been here to watch the Cyclones lose at the Big 12 Tourney.  They left- and did I remember to take a picture?...NO.  What time DID I remember- eh, about 10:30am!  Here's what I do have though.

Dance Party USA in the family room- hilarious!!!
Ladies with an attitude, Fellas that were in the mood.  Don't just stand there, let's get to it- Strike a pose, there's nothing to it. 
"Hey girls- check out these hot wheels!!...Vroom, vroom!!"
Next on the agenda- a shower for Mommy.  This has GOT TO BE Bennett's favorite part of each day.  It's often referred to as "Let's ransack Mommy's cabinets!"  My children are surely not the only ones that think playing with new tampons is the best game ever!?  Anyone?...Anyone?!

He's gotten smart in his old age.  Bennett used to not be able to see what was in the drawers...he'd just feel around and pull something out. Surprise!!  Now he's figured out to grab the step stool.  He's no dummy.
Onto better things- such as Mommy's leopard flip flops...Because- why not?!
Lunch was around the corner.  Delicious and nutritious.
The end.  El fin.  La fine.  Told ya.  :)

Naps, rest time, etc.  I ended up working in the office that afternoon while my Mom came over to spend time with the grandkiddies (and grandkitty).  Ben and I later enjoyed an engagement dinner for his CA.  I think I watched a bit of AI, and then it was lights out.  Just a normal day for the Dohrmanns.

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