Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Parent Teacher Conference

I met with Ms. Wendy this morning to talk about our sweet four year old daughter.  And trust me, as a former teacher- it's hard to remember she's only (barely) FOUR.  I often treat her like she's in second grade!  And I forget to bring MY own expectations back down to her level.

Academically, Makenna is way above where she's supposed to be at this point.  She's only expected to be able to recognize the letters in her name and be able to write the first letter.  She recognizes most of the letters in the alphabet, both in capital and lower case form. She knows most of the sounds they make too. Her one to one correspondance is great as well.  The expectations number-wise are to be able to point and count up to five, she went to ten and the teacher had to stop her.  :)  As well, she can count up to 39, although the other day she counted to 68! 

Socially, she has no real issues either.  We are still working on her talking out without raising her hand and being called on, but Ms.Wendy said she's made improvement since the first of the year and that's all she wants.  Progression is good.  She sometimes needs help taking turns.  Sharing sucks. :)
We're pretty sure she's a lefty, although we're not totally sure.  She still uses her right hand for many things.  If she would have cut this triangle out with her left hand, her movements may have been a bit more fluid.  It'll come. She's also learning how to make the lower case n.  That'll come too.
Overall, we're lucky.  Real lucky.  She's a great girl and really smart.  Kind, caring, genuine, and friendly.  Who wouldn't want a daughter with such special attributes?

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