Wednesday, March 23, 2011


I'm without my computer at this point, but it's in the process of being fixed.  So for now, I'll do what can be done without it.  I've been meaning to post the funny things Miss Mak says, but seem to never get to it.  I went back through my FB posts, gathered these quick quotes, and thought I'd do a little copy and paste action.  Having a four year old is pretty.dang.funny.

Mak- Ms. Wendy and Ms. Michelle said that dinosaurs are dastinct.
Me- You mean, EXtinct?!...
Mak- Yea, extinct.
Me- Do you know what that means, honey?!
Mak- Yep- It means they're DEAD!

Makenna--Mommy, I love you.
Me-- I love you too, Makenna.
Makenna-- I love this whole town!

At MOPS, I had taken both Mak and Jax to the bathroom.  While I was in the stall and they were waiting on me, this conversation took place.
Mak- Do you wanna get married?
Jax- Sure.
Mak- Okay.  Well, we need to kiss.
Jax- Ummm...nah.

Makenna told me today that I 'wasn't listening to her words.' Great- I've created a mini-teacher. 

As I was getting out of the shower and putting on my bra and underwear, Makenna chimed in with, "Mom- that looks GREAT on you!" least she approves of my skivvies. :)

"Mommy, you're the best mommy I've ever, ever had!"  Whew- that was a close one.

While grocery shopping, Makenna asked "Are these coconuts, Mom?"...yes, honey- the are. "Do you think they came from Mexico?!" I mean, what?! Where does she learn this stuff from- Dora!? :)

I was busy changing Bennett, and Makenna was using the restroom. She waddles into the room, (with her pants down around her ankles) bends over and puts her naked rear in the air and says, "Did I wipe good enough!?" Gotta love motherhood.

In the middle of a dance party, Makenna says, "Mom- sheck (check) out MY moves!!" Oh Heavens- what does the future entail???

I had told Makenna that she was a smart cookie. She then informed me she wasn't a cookie, but that she was a human!  See what I mean...?  Smart cookie.

I told Makenna to go play with Bennett for a while- "Mommy, will you play with me?!...Bennett's not REAL yet....!!"

Mommy, when I grow up, I'm going to be in kindergarten!!!!!!!!!!!!

I had told Makenna that our fish may die (because of a certain incident). He was surprisingly still alive a few days later.  She commented, "Mommy- Minnie the Fish hasn't died! She's being so brave!"

"Makenna- what do you want to get Daddy for Christmas?" A ROLLARCOASTER! Oooooookay. ;)

1 comment:

The Mama said...

My favorite...Bennett's not REAL yet. HAHAHAHA!!!!