Saturday, March 5, 2011

Radio Disney

Mandy told me about an activity that was right up our alley! Music, dancing, and totally free...Umm, Chello-sign us up! We had such a great time playing and dancing! Miss Mak even won a game right off the bat!
I know she looks like she's really constipated, but she was super ecstatic to be the weiner.
And Bennett could have EASILY won 'best dressed and cutest kid'.  The man who was in charge of the games for the kids (kind of a MC type) even said into the microphone might I add, "Whose kid is this?  He's gonna be a rock star!!"  :)  I was quite proud to be able to smile and say that he was mine. 
And Prince Jax was there to love on too.
Aren't escalator rides the best?!  Up and down...up and down- times about 14.

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