Sunday, March 6, 2011

Poor Buddy

Little Man hurt his thumb.  He must have fallen just right on the edge of the tile by our fireplace, where it meets up with the carpet.  There was actually a pretty good little slice. And it also just happened to be on his right thumb, the one he has sucked on since he was a few months old!  Most people tell me it's cute and so sweet, and maybe it is-- but...I've never been too keen on the idea.  So anyway, he's had a bandaid on his boo-boo for about a week now.  The situation is a win-win, or at least we hope.  Heal the cut AND break the habit.  We'll see how it works out...I'd love for it to be in my favor! :)  Doesn't he look pathetic here!?  Poor guy.  He consoles himself by sucking his thumb.  It does make me a bit sad, BUTTTT....

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