Saturday, April 9, 2011

While the cats are away...

the mice will play--  T-ball and soccer that is. :) Ben and I enjoyed a few days in cool Colorado with Maximized Living.  Grandma Marsha was the Captain in Command.  Saturday morning Miss Mak had her first Tiger Tee Ball practice.  SOO wish I could have been there, but here are the cliff notes given to me by other mothers.  She's the only girl on the team with 11 other little four year old boys.  She had her pink glove, pink ball, and pink bat (literally) in hand.  Rumor has it that she rocked.  Girls rule, boys drool- we all know this.

Thank you to Heather for sharing these pictures.

She's on the very left, outside of the huddle.  Hopefully, she didn't feel like too much of an outcast.  This'll only make you stronger, girl!  Go get 'em!!!!!!!! :)


kristine said...

between tball and soccer...that little mama cracks me up! you are so good for putting her in sports! and she's still getting hot and sweaty even though she's more focused on picture taking or playing for just short stints. so cute!

mvandever said...

Yes, thanks Heather for the pics. Can't believe I forgot the camera. But at least I had it for the rest of the weekend.