Friday, June 10, 2011

10 on 10

I remembered!!!!!!!!! Yea!!!!!!!!!!!!!

...Well, not until around 10.  But still- I remembered.  I used to have a reminder set on my phone, but that was two phones ago.  Why two phones ago, you ask?  Because I have a toddler who loves to dunk them in the cat's water bowl.

We started off the morn doing whatever.  A bit of housework, cartoons, breakfast, snuggle time on the couch with Cali.  The uje.

Soon after the chores were complete and everyone was dressed for the day, we decided to meet Great Gma and Gpa at Kate's Kitchen for some brunch.  Delish as always.  (I had told Makenna we were going to see the Princess Diana exhibit later this afternoon...hence the princess gown, purple necklace w/ matching headband.)  Boy, did she get all the attention at Kate's!  While we waited on our food, Bennett stacked creamers five high and Sweet Mak colored a picture.
This picture is really sweet.  Can't you just hear my Grandpa say, "Bennett- look at Mommy..."
Daddy came home for rest time and us girls were off to see Princess Di!  We weren't able to see the exhibit until 3:30, so Science City was snuck in as well.  A two-fer.  Well, sorta...still paid for both things.  :) 
 Science City was really fun, and Lil Mak stayed in one place for around four seconds. There was just too much to look at and be involved with!
The exhibit for Diana was really incredible.  I would have really enjoyed it had I had a chance to watch the video clips, read the passages, concentrate on the quotes...BUT.  :)  Seriously though, it was really cool.  Her gowns were just remarkable- her suits professional and classy.  The wedding dress is simply stunning...and the 25 foot long train was unbelievable.  The overall feeling of the exhibit had a somber, sad tone.  I even choked back a few tears.  She was pretty great, huh?!

We had an early dinner at Chipotle, and then on a wim- decided to go to the fountains at Zona.  A few things were missing though- swimsuits.  A quick fix?...Old Navy!! :)  My goodness, they had a ball.

 Love. this. one.
 (...and this one too!)
 And this one makes me smile.  There was an imitation Meatloaf band on stage.  You can see Bennett's exact thought.  "Dude- you really aren't that great.  And where'd you get that get-up!?  Yikes."  Makenna's expression in the background is pure joy.  Oh, to be four.
And bonus- it's YOUR lucky day!!!  I couldn't not post this picture.  Yes, I'm aware- I have 12 whopping pics, not 10.  Big woop.

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