Saturday, June 11, 2011

Bennett 20 months

So...uh, yea- the 19th month was forgotten.  Oops.

We're onto bigger and better things anyway.

Things like:
-being stubborn and wanting to do everything HIS way!
-throwing fits if he's not allowed to do something.
-going bye-bye.
-eating!...My God, the kid can eat.
-waking at the butt crack of dawn (sometimes 5:45).  Most of the time though, he has a little one on one time with Daddy and they watch "ball!"  Also known as, Sports Center.
-having all of his chompers in, except the Big Daddy's of them all- the 2 year old molars.
-brushing his teeth.
-WALKING up and down the stairs.  Rail?...what rail?
-saying "uh huh" for any type and all questions.
-pointing his index finger at his sister and saying, "No!"
-putting on his own shoes!  (only Crocs)
-watching you go potty.  Sometimes, it's a bit too close for comfort.  :)
-running circles around the kitchen table and acting like a wild man.  Ben likes to call him kamikaze.
-saying hi to random people.
And terms he uses:
warlow- water/milk                                            
ra-ra- toothbrush                                                 
na-na- blanket/night night                                     
boom boom- something with a motor               
meow/ditty- kitty                                                
bud dee- himself                                                  
choo choo                                                            
bee- any type of insect                                          
boo boo                                                            
Deeeeeee- saying Cheese for pictures
dee dee- cheese by the slice
bye bye
dee- teeth
mo- motorcycle
bb- berry
wa-wa- flower

He'll put two terms together and complete a thought.  Love that!  For example, Bud-dee me-me....translates into "I want more."  Good boy, Bubby.

PS- Happy Birthday, Grandpa Boyd!

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