Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Bennett singing

Here is Bennett singing his ABC's.  I'm on the tip of being frustrated with his verbal skills in all honesty.  For now, I'm blaming it on sucking his thumb during the "important" months, 12-16ish.  Here's hoping for better communication on his part in the near future!  It's still cute though- don't get me wrong! :)

1 comment:

The Mama said...

You can't be on the tip of frustration with that cute thing! Jeni---he is a boy! This will most likely take longer than it did with Makenna. I remember when Makenna and Jax were at this age. Makenna was leaps and bounds ahead of him. Rest assured he is completley normal. It's just a boy thing...something you're already getting used to:-) Man, he's a cuuuuuuuuttttttie!