Monday, July 4, 2011

4th of July weekend

We had an AWE-SOME three day weekend here in KC with friends and family! :) We really had nothing on the agenda, which made it super-duper nice. Some friends of ours came over on Saturday night and we had a party to go to on Sunday night. The morning of the 4th we were in the Parkville Parade supporting Anytime Fitness! Makenna was so adorable. She'd be walking by all the people, waving her little flag yelling, "Happy 4th of Julllllllllllllllllly!" Bennett hung out in the stroller and didn't make a peep...just took it all in.
 And is this man not the epitome of a patriotic patron?!  I saw him sitting there and just HAD to snap a quick pic.  Love it.
My sweet babes all sun-kissed on July 4, 2011.  Bennett- 20 months  Makenna- 4

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